The Child Custody in Egypt

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The fathers should have the right of child custody

By: Aya Yahia ID: 188510        The divorce is considered a certain threaten for any family and recently became a phenomenon which increases constantly in Egypt. According to (Annahar, 2019) in the last years, the rate of the divorce cases as the statistics showed that a remarkable rise in the divorce rates by 6.7% and…

The Child Custody should be with the mother

     By: Yara Abdel-Nasser Ibrahim ID: 191735 Divorce is one of the most serious issues that face Egypt. According to the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), in 2017, there are 913 thousand marriage cases recorded; on the other hand, there are 198 thousand divorce cases recorded. The percentage was 21.7% to every 100…

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